Monday 3 December 2012

RightsNI & Amnesty on Tuesday 11 December

RightsNI Live!

RightsNI header x490Date: Tue 11 December 2012
Amnesty International and the Committee on the Administration of Justice present RightsNI Live! - an evening of great ideas from great speakers

An exciting list of expert speakers addressing a wide range of justice themes are coming together for an evening of human rights in the style of 'TEDtalks', presented

The event couldn't be held at a more appropriate and thought-provoking building - Belfast's Crumlin Road Gaol, the city's main prison for 150 years. Through it's history, it was the unwelcome home for suffragettes, internees, paramilitaries and even ODCs, 'ordinary decent criminals'. Some whom were destined for the prison's gallows. As well as an evening of fantastic speakers, there will be an opportunity to see part of the Gaol.
A full list of speakers will be confirmed and published soon.
Tickets cost £6 (£4 unwaged)

Event TypeLecture
Event venueCrumlin Road Gaol.
Time7:30pm - 22:00pm

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